LA VANNERIE (Origny-en-Thiérache)
Thiérache Thiérache Thiérache Thiérache


Facts about the Thiérache : the region, the landscape, local products,
economics and history of the fortified churches

Discover the Thiérache through photo impressions: the perfect picture of what you can expect from this thoroughly green region, on foot or by bicycle!!! Pure in discoveries and pure in encounters!

Details, 1950s, nature, typical architectural style, to visit, cider, pigeon towers, buzzards, fortified churches, countryside, search, lavoirs, old glory, war, bocage, abbeys, mistletoe, shelters, religious heritage, swallows, brass bands, apple trees, roe deer, chapels, flea markets, wolf roofs, maroilles cheese, fair, watermills, wild boars, rural heritage, parties, bandstands, egrets, castles and so much more ...
In short, the Thiérache!


32, rue des Routières - F - 02550 Les Routières (Origny-en-Thiérache)
Sabine & Dirk Boone-Vandenbrande (F)00.33.(0)662 52 25 66 — (B)00.32.(0)479 48 25 41